DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.3d USER MAP TITLE : Le Rock v1.1 (The Rock) FILENAME : LE_ROCK.MAP AUTHOR : Martin Kozicki E-MAIL ADDRESS : MKozicki@Titania-pub.com MISC. AUTHOR INFO : Novice level builder. Experienced game player. Editor of Titania Magazine. DESCRIPTION : Based off of a dance club in Cancun, MX, Le Rock is set in a downtown part of LA where the club scene is hyped. You begin in the back streets of the club area, and can explore some of the setting which includes an opening into a desert area known as the Lizard Pit, and then into another building which at one point served as hotel lobby with a little pond filled with "fish". Entering the back area of the club itself, you will get to explore Le Rock all over, including the bathrooms, the bar, the mosh pit, and the snack area. There are also a number of secrets to be discovered. Le Rock does contain all weapons and bonus items. It is up to you to find them all. Enjoy! ADDITIONAL CREDITS TO : Thanks to D Schweitzer for info on elevators, water area's, and other miscellaneous assistance. Thanks to FormGen for getting us (Titania) this game, and thanks to 3D Realms for making it. ============================================================================= * PLAY INFORMATION * EPISODE & LEVEL # : E1L-0 (yes, NEGATIVE ZERO) SINGLE PLAYER : YES DUKEMATCH LEVEL : YES (3 PLAYER SETTING) (NOTE: Please bear in mind that Le Rock was never tested extensively in multi-player games.) DIFFICULTY SETTING : Not Implemented * CONSTRUCTION * BASE : New Level From Scratch EDITOR(S) USED : BUILD by 3D Realms KNOWN BUGS : If you find anything, please report it back to me at the e-mail address above. * WHERE TO GET THIS MAP FILE * FTP SITES : None BBS NUMBERS : None OTHER : Stereo's Duke Nukem 3D Page http://duke3d.crystalball.com/stereo/main.htm * REVISION HISTORY * VERSION 1.1 (05/28/96) - Fixed a few minor bugs. Nothing major. Added in some other sprites to give it a more realistic atmosphere. VERSION 1.0 (05/24/96) - Finished the level in a big way! Eliminated most or all of the bugs, added in expansions on the outdoors, indoors, and other parts. Bathrooms were put in, as well as a bar, colored lights (the palletes were changed, actually), changed some sprites, added bridges (my largest accomplishment so far!), toyed with the cyclers (these _should_ work in most cases), and added in all the little niceties that makes this a back-alley dance club and bar. Future revisions with detail, change, or expansion may or may not follow. It depends on how well everyone likes this level! =) VERSION 0.8 (05/21/96) - Big additions here. New textures, sprites, and some other fun stuff. Learned how to do breakable glass, teleporters, and aquatic area's, so they're all here! Some new enemies. The largest enhancement is the addition of several new rooms and map area's. I've also included the starting points for each player in Duke Match, for which I intend to have a total of 4. Keep in mind that these are just parts of the map, as I have not added in the sprites and SE's to make them actual starting locations. This is upcoming. Also, included a bat file which makes loading the level all the more easier for solo play or just to fool around. Thanks to Dan for the help on fixing some annoying texture problems. Other small, insignificant changes were made as well. VERSION 0.3 (05/19/96) - Major improvements on the next release up. Added in an outdoor area; rather large. New outdoor enemies, textures, new lighting, effects, elevators (yes!), sprites, etc. Improved indoor area by adding in a few new ammo cases, fixed some texture problems, got the door working to a level of satisfaction, and put in some "eye candy" as well. Changed zip file name to coincide with version number. VERSION 0.1 (05/16/96) - The first level version. Just the start area within the club, and then another door leading into the mosh pit/stage room. This version was, miraculously, finishable. Lots of sprites, but only two weapons were included: the shotgun and the devastator. This version was solo play. ============================================================================ NECESSARY INCLUSIONS: Le Rock is copyright (c) 1996 Martin Kozicki. Duke Nukem 3D is copyright (c) 1996 3D Realms. Please do not make any changes to this MAP file!!! Go ahead and upload this anywhere you want, but please do so with the most current version. Le Rock follows the ever popular formula of LEROCK##.ZIP for archives containing all the necessary and most up-to-date files. Contact me if you want the current. Constructive criticism is welcomed. Le Rock is, for the most part, complete. There may possibly be newer versions in the future provided that (a) the response to the level is great, (b) I or another individual discover some bugs in the MAP, (c) it is requested of me to do so. Still, if you are in the mood to help out on future levels (beta testing, etc.) or wish to offer helpful hints on how to expand or enhance Le Rock (I could never get those force field switches to work...), please contact me. Otherwise, have fun! DATE: 05/28/96